Although I know these aren't to their tastes, just looking at them invokes memories of a child hood spent rather seriously debating the merits of a custard cream versus a bourbon, and various types of pick'n'mix. I used to be a big fan of the gummy bears, but my favourites were the fizzy sweets, covered in sugar! Of course at 25, i'm far to old and important to get excited by sweets! Ahem.
.Anyway. I am so glad I stumbled across this website; not only do they stock the candy jewels, they also have a great range of sailor and tatoo themed jewellery my heart desires, great fashions, and homewares that have got me in a tizz!

A cake stand made out of an old record? That, my friends, is for my kind of kitchen...if I ever get round to learning to cook, of course!
Sadly, anything I order now won't arrive before Friday, so it's no good for me. But if you're working outside such hideous time constraints (trust me to leave everything to the last minute!) then I highly recommend you check them out, if not for the jewels (the best bit) then for the amazing dollface background to their website!
The whole package is so sweet I don't know whether to eat it or brush my teeth!
Have a great day!
Tor x
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