My Ping in

Thursday, 29 November 2012

My party shoe picks from

Hi guys,
Well, party season is officially upon us. Everyone has been mentioning the 'C' word for what feels like months (I know, I know, I probably started it!) and the atmosphere is starting to feel pretty festive. Which means only one thing: we have the perfect excuse to go shopping for pretty glitzy party dresses and their companions: matching impractical shoes. Hurrah!

Whenever I want to do some virtual shoe shopping I head straight to Sarenza: where else will you find so many premium brands all in one place? Which means that if you know you need amazing shoes but aren't sure what style/brand/colour you want, it's the perfect place to browse. Here are my picks of the perfect Christmas party shoes currently available on the site:

Betsey Johnson striped shoe, £93.50
Bordello pink glitter heels, £97.90
Betsey Johnson red heels, £93.50
Jeffrey Campbell foxy glitter shoes, £119
Dune snakeskin heels, £89
French Connection nude heels, £115

I'm really excited by the edition of Betsey Johnson to the Sarenza family: hence my including two pairs from her collection on the site! She was the first designer I really loved when I started exploring fashion, and I still have a soft spot in my heart for her now. The pair I am going to have from my selection as my Christmas party shoes though are the Dune snakeskin heels: you'd get so much wear out of these, and they're versatile enough to go with almost anything!

Ted Baker glitter flats, £75.70
Missoni sequin stripe pumps, £518.50
Steve Madden silver studded slippers, £84.99
Studio TMLS gold brogues, £101

I normally avoid flat shoes like the plague when it comes to party season time- a frock and heels is my December uniform. But actually there are a lot of really gorgeous flats out there this season and the importance of comfort really can't be overrated! I've got my eyes on these Ted Baker glitter slipper shoes: they also come in black.

What do you think of my picks? And have you started thinking about your Christmas wardrobe yet? I'd love to know what kind of shoes you're going for this season!

Love Tor xx

Monday, 26 November 2012

Simple fashion maths for winter dressing

Hi guys,
I'm starting to think more and more about how I can simplify and streamline my wardrobe, so that I am always looking slick and well put together as easily as possible, whilst still making the biggest impact. Long gone are my days of having hours to plan outfits: instead I want to look good with low impact and then throw on some lipstick (my fail safe tip for looking like I've done my make up when I haven't!)

With these pieces getting dressed in the morning couldn't be easier: just pick one item from each row (I've chosen them all so that they can all be mixed and matched), throw it all together, and you're ready to leave the house in minutes.The perfect mathematical formula for low impact casual winter dressing:
Black leather look sleeve biker jacket, River Island, £75
Ombre faux fur coat, Topshop, £89
Contrast sleeve drape jacket, Warehouse, £85
Owl print skinny sleeve Tshirt, New Look, £9.99
Stud shoulder jumper, New Look, £27.99 
Silk ombre blouse, Warehouse, £55
Ultra soft jeggings, Dorothy Perkins, £23
Leigh khaki skinny jeans, Topshop, £38
Bleach mom jeans, Topshop, £40
Red suede boots, French Connection, £100
Black biker boots, Office, £60
Brown ankle boots, Jeffrey Campbell, £120

I'm a big fan of this new, understated look. I'm starting to come around to thinking that simple basics are the way forward. I already own the leather sleeve biker-style coat from River Island and the black jeggings from Dorothy Perkins. Both are definitely going to become post-baby wardrobe staples. And my favourite jeans in the world (and I'm very fussy about jeans!) are the Leigh skinny jeans from Topshop. So many of the items listed above come highly recommended by me!

Do you tend to find yourself wearing similar outfits over and over again? Could you put together a formula for creating your perfect casual wardrobe?

Love Tor xx

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Daily wear: Just another shopping Saturday...

Hi guys,
Over recent months I have acquired quite a collection of button-up blouses. They have very nearly overtaken dresses as the item I own most of in my wardrobe. And today I took my latest acquisition to the collection out for a spin.

We went to the Christmas craft fair at the Assembly House in Norwich (it's on today and tomorrow, and if you're Norwich-based, it's definitely worth popping in) We picked up some felt Christmas decorations, bags of homemade fudge - most of it eaten already - and some delicious freshly baked bread. The yule loaf, which is stuffed full of sage and onion stuffing and cranberry sauce, comes highly recommended.

Anyway, enough about my stomach, and on to the outfit:
The blouse is by Full Circle, c/o Zalando. They have a great selection of blouses on the site. I fell completely in love with the bright bird print on this one, whilst still being a completely wearable grey - you guys know how I feel about animals on clothes!

I've teamed it with my Red Herring maternity jeans (again!), and Miss Selfridge leather sleeved coat. On my feet are my heeled Clarks brogues (c/o Sarenza) which perfectly matches the Pucci bag I seem to be carrying everywhere at the minute.

This sort of outfit seems to be my uniform at the moment: A pretty blouse and jeans is low maintenance and easy to throw on. It means that I look reasonably well put-together, even when I don't have the time or the energy to think creatively about what I want to wear.

Love Tor xx

Friday, 23 November 2012

Life lately, according to my iPhone...

Hi guys,
Another month, another collection of random pictures collecting virtual dust on my iphone! When I scroll through to do these compilations I always surprise myself with how many odd and pointless photos I take: what did we do in the days before iphones when we wanted to send someone a photo of a dress so we could get immediate feedback, eh?!

Nonetheless, here's what's been going on according to my iphone this month:
-Ham and cheese salad with beetroot (My latest food craving)
-New Stella McCartney baby goodies from TKMaxx
-Beautiful roses my mum gave me at my surprise family-only baby shower
-Going to see the Norwich Christmas lights being switched on and meeting a realistic-looking Santa
- Breaking in my new blue suede Espirit boots
- Pitta pizza breads - nom, nom, nom!!
- Celebrating my nephew's first birthday
- Forcing my husband to try on his new Christmas jumper (doesn't he look happy about it!)
- Making candy cane mice to add to my Christmas presents - tutorial to follow
- Another new lipstick (This one is from No7 and I'm trying it with the matching lipliner. I still prefer my trusty Chanel)
- One last pre-baby dinner in our favourite restaurant (there's alot of food in this post, isn't there?)!
- Shiny silver toenails. Can you believe my husband did these?! Hidden talents!

What have you been up to this month? And do you find that your iphone is cluttered up with a collection of odd and random pictures too?

Love Tor

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Final reflections: On being pregnant

Hi guys,
I've tried not to write about my pregnancy and impending motherhood too much on this blog: after all, it's a fashion blog and my outlet to express how I feel about all things clothes, beauty, and anything else that's pretty. I don't want to write a mummy blog because I don't read them and have no real interest in them: So don't worry, I won't start bombarding you with daily baby pictures! But before the boy arrives I do want to share some of the things I've learnt and some of the things that have surprised me about being pregnant; from both a fashion but mostly from a non-fashion point of view!
- I guess the obvious one is illustrated above: I'm huge! My stomach is bigger than I thought possible: I mean really, there's no more stretching room. I refuse to accept it can grow anymore. Obviously this isn't the surprise: I know pregnant women get big. The surprise is that I don't mind it as much as I thought I would: in fact rather than being repulsed by how big I am i'm strangely proud that my body has done all this amazing work to create a comfy home for my little boy.

- Here's a quick fashion one: I've worn jeans considerably more than I ever have before in my life! And I am a lady that hates jeans. I remember at the beginning of my pregnancy writing a post about maternity style and how I wasn't going to stop making the effort. Well, I stopped making the effort. Even jeans are too uncomfortable some days and I just keep my PJ bottoms on instead. I complained that it was hard to find fashionable maternity clothes. I still think that's true but I can also understand it: almost all pregnant women live in jeans or leggings, so why make hundreds of pretty dresses (that look like tents anyway).

 - It hurts a lot more than I expected - and it isn't glamorous or beautiful at all! In the movies pregnant women float around looking serene and at peace, waiting for their babies to arrive. If this is how it's supposed to be then someone didn't give my body/baby that memo! Last week I pulled a muscle in my back from trying to bend over to put one of my socks on. Combine this with the constant backache, stomach cramps, indigestion and other unmentionable ailments, and I think I can safely say that pregnancy is the least glamorous or serene thing I have ever done!

- On a positive note, It reminds me alot of being a student. The past few weeks of pregnancy have been like a free pass to nap whenever I want to, watch a lot of daytime TV, and eat snacks whenever I want to (I don't have enough tummy space for full meals anymore, so snacks are the way forward) Effectively it's just like my student days, but without the all night drinking (which has been replaced by all night peeing instead!) And i'm making the most of the rest while I can!

- Nesting is a real thing. Who knew?! I hate cleaning as much as the next sane woman with better things to do with her life. But in the past month of so I have cleaned every corner of my house from top to bottom. I've emptied every cupboard, just to scrub, tidy, and rearrange it. I've completely redecorated some rooms. The thought of dust and dirt and disorder makes me feel anxious: it's like an itch that only cleaning can cure!

- Finally,  you actually do love your baby before you've even met him. This is another one of those movie things I thought was a Hollywood cliche. But it turned out to be true: from the minute I heard the heartbeat I fell in love. Then I fell in love even harder the first time he kicked. And now I laugh like a lunatic everytime he  squirms inside me: I talk to him like he's a real person, even though I don't even know what his face looks like! Yup, it's real love.

We're now just 1 week and 2 days away from our due date, so it seemed like the perfect time to sit down and reflect on everything that's happened over the past 9 months. Hopefully the next time I mention anything baby related on the site, it will be to tell you that the little man has arrived! Wish me luck!

Love Tor xx

Monday, 19 November 2012

Want jewellery ideas for your festive wish list?

Hi guys,
Apologies in advance, because this probably counts as my second Christmas-related post before December! But whether we like it or not, the big day is coming, and it's coming fast. Do you know what you want for Christmas yet? Are you thinking jewellery? (Let's face it, I'm always thinking jewellery) Then check out my latest feature in gurgle magazine.
Yes, a shameless plug of my freelancing work! But if you're a parent or parent-to-be, I think it's a great magazine And even if I do say so myself (ahem) there's a great jewellery piece inside that's worth a read....

Love Tor x

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Daily Wear: Don't step on my blue suede boots!

Hi guys,
Believe me when I say that I am so excited for the day to come when I am not  wearing maternity jeans any more. For the last nine months they have been my uniform, and I actually have hot sweaty dreams about tea dresses, patterned tights, and a certain leather skirt I have been saving for nearly 8 weeks (I couldn't risk it going out of stock, even though I can't wear it yet!) I want to get my style back, goddammit!! Sigh and end rant.

Nonetheless, I do try to make an effort with my jean-y ensembles every now and again. And today was no exception, as we tackled the crowds in the city to throw ourselves into the festive spirit and shop for some Christmas decorations.. Here is my latest jeans-based outfit for the occasion:
Jeans, Debenhams (Red Herring maternity)
Leopard print coat, Next
Scarf, Missoni from TKMaxx
Handbag, Pucci
Blouse, George Maternity @ Asda

The suede ankle boots are from Espirit, c/o Sarenza. They come in three different colours (red, black, and blue) but I just couldn't resist these vibrant blue ones! In a stroke of luck, they match my new Missoni scarf perfectly too (totally a happy coincidence, as I ordered the boots before I found the scarf!)

I worry about the practicality of blue suede and puddles, but since when has fashion been about being practical, right? What are you wearing today? Taunt me, and let me know all about your newest pretty dress!

Love Tor xx

Thursday, 15 November 2012

The perfect Christmas day outfits for the whole family

Hi guys,
I normally resist writing about Christmas in November (believe me, you'll have enough of my Christmas posts to last a lifetime in December!) but I'm being beaten down by all the festive spirit everywhere and I just can't resist: The high street Christmas lights have been lit, Starbucks have their red cups out, and more importantly, I have seen the Coke Christmas ad on TV. Holidays are coming, my friends!

In honour of this, I started thinking about what I want myself and my boys to be wearing on Christmas day. This will be our first Christmas as a family of three (In fact, if he comes on time the boy will be less than a month old) so my usual laissez faire attitude to Christmas dressing is out of the window and instead been replaced by Christmas jumpers, cozy Santa accessories, and an unholy amount of red! Here are my picks from of what I would like us to be wearing when the big day arrives:

Red skinny trousers, £26: Sparkle green sweater, £42: Nude and wine block platform shoes, £60: Colour block metal link belt, £12: Berry feather earrings, £7.50: Expandable bracelet, £12.

Straight leg burgandy chino, £20: Suede desert boots, £48: Burgandy patterned crew neck jumper, £30: Burgandy check scarf, £13: Black and orange leather strap watch, £30: Tan leather belt, £20.

I love santa suit, £11: Christmas bibs (2 pack), £4.50: Reindeer teddy bear, £9: Christmas pudding hat, £6: Knitted reindeer booties, £5.50

Of course in reality, Mike will wear his usual blue jeans and black Tshirt combo (it's tried and tested!) and I will wear something with an elasticated waist to make room for as much Christmas dinner as possible: but a girl can dream!! What do you wear on Christmas day? In my family's household we don't take off our PJs, but hubby's family get dressed up, so that will be a new experience for me this year!

Lovely blogger Northern Mum is collaborating with Next to giveaway a £500 voucher to the blogger who best styles a Christmas look for their family from the new season Next collection. The above is my entry to the competition - wish me luck!! 

Love Tor xx

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Sponsored video: More ASOS video fun!

Hi guys,
As I mentioned in my last post about ASOS's great new Christmas video campaign, is unveiling its new Christmas collection with an interactive series of videos starring pink-haired model Charlotte Free, singer Ellie Goulding and hip-hop artist Azealia Banks.

Last week we talked about the Charlotte Free video. Today we're going to take a look at the Ellie Goulding video: and I'm going to gush a little over her smoking hot outfit!

This is the full 90 second edit of Ellie's exclusive new video for her track, Only You. Great track, but that's not actually what has me excited: if you hover over each item Ellie is wearing in the video, you can then click to buy it: leaving me very tempted to get those wedge ankle boots! And like with the Charlotte Free video, if you pin any of the items to your Pinterest account using the hashtag #Bestnightever you are also in with a chance of winning it. I'm a minor competition addict, as well as being a new technology geek, so things like this get me really excited!

For more info about the campaign, and other gossip, don't forget to follow ASOS on twitter. And if you would also like another little peak at the Charlotte Free video, you can see my post about it here.

I received my first Christmas party invitation this week, so suddenly Christmas is starting to feel much closer and Christmas campaigns like this are looking much more interesting: new outfits must be chosen and purchased immediately! Have you been invited to your first Christmas parties yet? And have you started thinking about what you'll be wearing?

Love Tor xx

*This is a sponsored post

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

The shoes every girl needs part two: Leather pumps

Hi guys,
Here's part two of my rundown of the shoes every girl really should have in her wardrobe: I believe that with just 6 carefully selected pairs of shoes, you can have a shoe for every possible occasion. Today we're talking about a really good quality pair of leather pumps.
You don't need me to tell you about the importance of having a decent pair of pumps. I'm yet to meet a girl that doesn't own a pair: they're so easy to slip on and they look great with jeans, leggings, tights...well, pretty much anything. You can wear them for work and at the weekend. They're also available everywhere, and cheaply too. That means that quite often our shoe wardrobes are full to bursting with those bargain £6 pumps from Primark that fall to pieces after three wears and leave you with wet toes in the winter. But pump wearing doesn't have to be that way!
So would you believe me if I told you I'd found the perfect pumps? Yes at £48 they're a little more expensive than their high street equivalent (but still an affordable price) but they are leather, flexible, have moulded rubber soles, and are the most comfortable pumps I have ever worn. I'm talking about the Valensi Vega pumps, which are available from Sarenza. They come in 42 different colours, and as a proud owner of four pairs of them, I really can't recommend them highly enough!

I think it's better to own one or two pairs of really good quality leather pumps than it is to own seven or eight pairs of cheap leaky pumps (can you tell I spent alot of my student years being scarred by wet cheap-pumps feet!) It's also good fashion maths: I've owned my oldest pair of Valensi's for nearly 2 years of pretty intensive wear, and they still look just as good now as they did when I got them. That's £48 well spent when you think that the average £10 pair of pumps only lasts a couple of months!

Love Tor x

Sunday, 11 November 2012

The Fabfrocks guide to: Bagging a bargain in TK Maxx

Hi guys,
I'm a big fan of TK Maxx, they are one of the stores on the high street that I pop into quite regularly and like my other obsessions (I'm thinking of car boot sales, Bicester village, and charity shops) the thrill is in never knowing what you might find. This weekend I popped into my mum's local store, whilst I was over visiting, and was truly delighted by the bargain I found lurking under one of the Christmas gift tables, where I was busy rummaging looking for a new make up bag:
The rrp on this gorgeous Missoni scarf was £197.47. I picked it up for £39.99. Hidden away, and it was the only one in the shop: I'm going to call that fate!

So how do you find that elusive designer bargain that you've been waiting for all your life (exaggerate? me?) Well here are my top tips for bagging a bargain in TK Maxx:

-If you've found something you love but can't find it in your size, look through all the rails. Much like Primark, TKmaxx can sometimes look like a jumble sale, because people pick things up then put them back in the wrong places when they change their mind. If you really love something persevere and you might just find the size 12 dress you were looking for hanging out with the size 6 dresses instead.

- Don't forget to look in the gifts section: especially at this time of year! That's where I found this scarf. There was also a great range of leather goods (including several Osprey purses I lusted after) that would have made a great myself! Just because it's in the gift section doesn't mean you have to buy it as a gift!

- If it's big named designers you want, look for the rails marked 'Gold Label': that's where you will find all the bigger branded goodies.

- Remember that TKMaxx isn't just for fashion. I'm a sucker for their homeware department, where the discounts are (if possible) even more insane than on the clothing.

- Don't have the energy or the inclination for rummaging through the rails? The TKMaxx website has improved dramatically over the past couple of years and there are plenty of bargains to be had: I got the unborn 2 Stella McCartney tops from the website this week! For me though, the instore rummage is half of the fun!

The best thing about shopping in TKMaxx is the buzz you get for the rest of the day, after finding that bargain! Do you shop in TKMaxx? Do you have any clever tips to add that you think make your TKMaxx shopping trips more successful?

Love Tor xx

Friday, 9 November 2012

A sneak peek: Inside my make up bag

Hi guys,
I'm no real make up expert, but I do know what I like. And I try alot of products! So I thought I would show you what's inside my make up bag and what products I use every single day:
Concealer - I use the Mac pro longwear concealer. I have horrible dark circles under my eyes, but this miracle concealer always manages to cover them up!
Foundation and Powder - No matter how broke I am (and we all know how tempting it is to downgrade our make up when cash is tight) the one thing I couldn't live without is my Chanel perfection luminiere foundation. It's light but gives great coverage. And I always wear it with the matching Chanel sheer powder.
Blusher -The first time I tried this Body Shop blusher it was a PR freebie - now I buy it everytime. It looks bright, but actually applies in a sheer and light way and highlights my cheekbones (OK I confess - it gives the illusion that I actually have cheekbones!)
Brow kit - Brows are a new part of my routine: I never used to bother when I had the fringe! So this MUA brow kit is a first-time brow purchase for me. I use the darker powder to add depth to my brows and the smoothing gel to tame any flyaway hairs. I can't recommend it as the best, because I haven't tried any others, but it's working for me!
Eyeshadow - I swear by Urban Decay eyeshadows for their depth of colour and how long they tend to last. This set was a gift last Christmas and it's still going strong. If you want the perfect smokey eye then I couldn't recommend the Urban Decay shade 'oil slick' highly enough.
Mascara - I always used to use the YSL false lash effect mascara. And loved it. Then on one particularly broke day I instead tried the No 7 fanomenal lashes mascara. And i've been using it ever since: I think it's just as good! I am blessed with naturally long and thick lashes, so really my mascara just needs to be able to separate and emphasise my lashes and this does the perfect job.
Lipstick - Another Chanel purchase! When I'm making a statement, or for eveningwear I always plump for a bright red lip. For daywear though I either wear no lipstick at all, or this Chanel shade, which is almost the exact same colour as my own lips: It makes me look put together without drawing too much attention to my mouth.

Of course I have loads of other products that I use occasionally - I'm ashamed to admit that when it comes to a night out i'm not adverse to a little shimmer and glitter! But these are the products that make up my everyday face, and that I find myself buying again and again.

What's your make up routine? Do you have a product you swear by and would really recommend I try?

Love Tor xx

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Sponsored Video: Have the Best Night Ever with ASOS

Hi guys,
I love ASOS: It's my go-to website when I want to indulge in a little online retail therapy and when it comes to high street trends, they're always one step ahead. They're also one step ahead when it comes to their newest Christmas promo videos, which are some of the most interactive fashion videos I've seen. is unveiling its new Christmas collection with an interactive series of videos starring pink-haired model Charlotte Free, singer Ellie Goulding and hip-hop artist Azealia Banks.

Directly from the video, you can click to watch the look book, shop for the clothes the artists are wearing, and pin shots for a chance to win the pieces you pin. Yup, ASOS are giving away the pieces featured in the video: For a chance to win, simply include the hashtag #BestNightEver when you pin from the video and wait for the prizes to roll in! (Speaking of hashtags, you can also follow ASOS on twitter to keep up to date with more news and details of the campaign)

Here's the video, so you can check it out for yourself:

And here are some sneaky behind-the-scenes shots of the Charlotte Free at the video shoot.Charlotte Free is often acknowledged as the model that inspired a pink hair trend around the world, and hell, even i've had a go with the pink hair thing, so I can definitely get behind that:

What would make your best night ever? And have you started thinking about all the smoking hot outfits you want to buy and wear for Christmas yet? I'm just looking forward to being able to fit into a little black dress, but I'm also daydreaming about buying new outfits covered in sequins and glitter and fur. Watch out ASOS, because here I come...

Love Tor xx

*This is a sponsored post 

Primark picks of the week: More, more, more!!

Hi guys,
Just when I think I've exhausted the subject of Primark's newest Autumn/Winter collection, they go and release some more gorgeous images that I just have to share with you guys! All of the items shown below are either in store right now, or arriving in store this month. So as always with Primark, if you see something you love you'll have to be quick!
Burgandy stud shoulder jumper, £14
Multi-coloured bobble hat, £2 

Beige biker jacket, £27
Pleather/tan mix biker jacket, £27
Jewel print T-shirt, £10
Stud and lace detail blouse, £14
Velvet flocked bodysuit, £12
Star print jumper, £12
Robin print snood, £4
Belted polka dot dress, £13
Purple and blue snood, £6
Moustache print jumper,£14

The knitwear looks so cozy, and just perfect for snuggling up in now that the weather has turned decidedly chilly! I am definitely reconverted to Primark: not as a disposable fashion source I will shop every week and wear only once (which used to be how I shopped Primark!) but as a great place to dip my toe into new trends, or buy seasonal items with short lifespans; Christmas items, for example.

Are you a Primark shopper? If yes, how often do you tend to pop instore?

Love Tor x

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Shopping: Wishing for my wishlist

Hi guys,
As my due date draws closer and closer (we're now just three weeks away!) my fantasies about wearing normal clothes and shopping in all of my favourite high street stores are increasing dramatically. I want heels, dresses with waistlines and chunky rings I can actually squeeze my swollen fat fingers into!

So to satisfy my shopping cravings, I've put together a little wishlist of the things I have been most lusting over this week:
1. Fuschia knuckle ring,, £12. 
Yes, it looks just like the YSL Arty ring, which is the ring I would actually like to add to my wishlist. (I'm obsessed with it in this colour)  but at £180 it's every so slightly out of budget. This dollybowbow one is one of the best replicas I have seen though, and a snip at less than a tenth of the price!

2. Floral and lace mix dress, Topshop, £60
This has all the makings of the perfect Christmas time dress. Unlike a sparkly/sequinned dress which you could only wear for a Christmas party, this one is versatile enough that you could wear it for almost anything: dress it up for a party, down for lunch! Note how I'm justifying this purchase to myself: I'm having this dress!

3. Vintage Chanel drop earrings, ASOS, £795
Nope, that price tag isn't a typo. But what kind of wishlist would this be without something outrageously expensive on it?! Besides, they're so purty!

4. Blue print ankle boots, River Island, £65
Who says winter boots had to be boring? Or match your coat? Or easy to walk in? For these beauties, I'm prepared to throw all of my boot buying rules out of the window!

5. Digital jewel clutch, ASOS, £15
Attending a wedding last month drew my attention to the fact that I only actually own 2 clutch bags (one red, one blue) and I just don't think that's enough! Yes, I accept I won't fit many nappies in this beauty, but it's too pretty to let practical concerns get in the way!

6. Polka dot sequin jumper, French Connection, £62
This is another one that I think will be just perfect for Christmas: all the coziness of an oversized jumper, but with sequins! I love polka dots, so this jumped straight out at me when I saw it instore yesterday. I'd like to pair it with coloured heels and skinny jeans.

What's on your current wishlist? Is there anything you're lusting over, and what's holding you back from picking it up?

Love Tor x

Friday, 2 November 2012

Fabfrocks at home: The compromise living room

Hi guys,
Well, you've already seen the dressing room and the nursery. Next up on the tour of our new house is the living room. Because the house has a living room and dining room, the room is much smaller than the living/dining combo room we had in the old flat. The affect is that it feels nice and cosy, full of all my favourite things.

I call our living room a compromise room because Mike and I have such different tastes. He likes things minimalist, and is a huge fan of slick black furniture. Me? Well I'm the complete opposite! I like vintage, colour, and clutter! So our living room is an odd combination of both. Here's how it looks:
The trunk looks vintage but isn't, it's actually from Homesense. The phone and lamp are both from Debenhams and the little brass bird was a bootsale acquired gift from a friend. We brought the furry stags head back from Berlin (I promise you stuffing this into Mike's rucksack because we were travelling hand-luggage-only was not a highlight of the trip!) The fireguard screen is the newest addition to this room: I got it from a carboot sale for just £1, where it needed some serious work. We scrubbed it clean, replaced the fabric inside the body of the screen and new jewelled knobs for the top (these are just ordinary doorknobs from B&Q, but they serve exactly the same purpose!)

We're renting this place (we're hoping to buy early next year) so we're reluctant to paint or do any extensive refurbishment to the living room: renting and injecting personality is hard! But I do like this room: it's so cozy and just perfect for snuggling up warm in when it's cold outside.

Do you have to compromise in your house? Do you have different tastes from your partner/housemates and how do you make it work?

Love Tor xx

Thursday, 1 November 2012

October 2012, According to my iPhone...

Hi guys,
It's officially November! That means it is officially the month we will be having this baby - it feels like I've been waiting forever! But it's not time to get ahead of myself and think about next month when I haven't told you what I did last month yet.

Here's what I got up to in October:
Carving pumpkins - You can check out my tutorial on how to carve your own here.
Baking cookies for my nephews first birthday party - I can't believe he's about to turn one!
Caviar manicure - I was really excited when I saw this new nail technique (and it looks great!) but was disappointed on application. It only lasted one day, and the little balls started falling off almost immediately.
Hello Kitty lust - I saw these lipsticks in Superdrug and immediately bought one because of how cute the packaging was. As a lipstick it has no staying power at all, but it does brighten up my dressing table!
Checking out dresses - At the V&A. I went to see the ballgown exhibition with some friends and was just obsessed with some of the dresses. I wish we lived in a time or place where I got to twirl and dance in full skirted frocks occasionally!
Bedroom mini-make over - The bedroom was the only room we hadn't done anything to since we moved in, so I decided to give it a quick mini makeover: new bedding and curtains, new blankets and cushions, and new artwork. Easy peasy!
Pickling! - It's that time of the year again! If you want to make your own pickles and chutneys for Christmas then you need to get a wiggle on - God, I sound all domesticated and old don't I?!
Feeling festive - In Primark! Primark have got a great selection of Christmassy jumpers instore at the moment - early I know - for both men and women. In a slightly-ironic-but-secretly-awesome way, I really love a good Christmas jumper but because you can wear them so little they just aren't worth the money. These Primark ones are the solution!
New eyebrows - I had my eyebrows shaped at the Benefit brow bar. More expensive than a quick wax at my local salon, but the results are totally worth it.
New hair - I've been trying to get myself pampered as much as possible before bubs arrived, so I also had my highlights redone. Next on the list is a relaxing pedicure and a massage or two - I'm reliably assured that in a couple of weeks I won't have anytime to do these things so I'm making the most of it!

Love Tor xx