Hey Everyone,
Sorry the reviews of the shows so far have been in no particular order! Only one more to go after this one and then you have my fashion week round up to enjoy. This was another one from the weekend, but what with all these wonderful fashion shows, work, and a two day online marketing conference to attend I have been well and truly pooped this week, so sorry for the slow posting and my string of excuses!!
The Arutyunov was my first (and only, actually) Couture show. And despite the fact that i'd never heard of them until I walked into the room (in my defence, they are Russian and it was the first time they'd shown in London) I was pretty impressed. Although I was sat on the second row, the floor level catwalk made taking pictures almost impossible. Nevertheless here are the snaps I got:

And here, of course, are the prettiest of all the models:
Amie and I take a minute to pose as we wait to go into the show. Not really sure why i'm holding my handbag like a shield, but isn't her jacket adorable?! A Christmas gift from moi! .This was one of the two shows my sister went to with me, and this was Amie's favourite show. Whilst not particularly directional or headline worthy, all of the dresses were showstopping and
very very pretty. And sometimes all a girl really wants is a pretty dress! Massive full skirts covered in lace and dripping with jewels jostled with floating chiffon circles that bounced as the models walked and floor length tiered ruffles. I was a big fan of the orange puff ball dress, who's skirt looked like a Chinese lantern. Amie liked the dresses with skirts that were big big big!
And my god, the shoes! These models didn't walk down the catwalk they teetered in shoes so high I suspect they were intended to deliberately inhibit the way the girls moved to make them seem even more vulnerable that their tiny frames already imply. But don't take my word for it! You'll find pictures of the shoes and better pictures of the dresses
right here, if you're interested!
.Our enjoyment of the show was aided dramatically by the abundance of lovely after show champagne and the excellent canapes. Mini falafel, prawns on skewers, smoked salmon, seriously strong cheese, and tiny pastry puffs. After an hour of so they even brought out the dessert canope selection. We especially enjoyed the mini chocolate truffle cakes and fruit cups. Yum!
.And the lessons about canopes i'm sure you're all waiting with baited breath to hear:
- Never eat the prawns! My sisters warned me, I didn't listen and my stomach certainly regretted it in the morning
- Stand in the middle of the room. Contrary to the widespread believe that fashion folks dont eat, those people were vultures! If we'd been stood at the back there wouldn;t have been a morsel left by the time the trays made it to us
And finally:
- Always take two of each dessert! Seriously, those things are delicious and one petite gateux just isn't ever going to be enough!
So there you have it, fashion and food: my two favourite things (hey, i'm chubby, its predictable!)at the same time! Result!