My Ping in

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Boots sale: Where there is Soap there is Glory

Hi guys,
One of the sales I always check out is the Boots sale: straight after Christmas all of their gift sets are reduced by 50%. Later in the month the reduction will be increased to seventy percent, but the products available by that point are usually pretty limited: shoppers have already snapped up all the best stuff!
As well as picking up a few birthday gifts for family and friends, the thing I have my eyes peeled for are Soap and Glory sets. I really love the scent of their bath products and buy them regularly, full price or not. So getting them in the sale is a real treat! When I popped into my local Boots on the 27th I got the hand wash and hand lotion set for £5 (reduced from £10) and the travel miniatures set for £9 (reduced from £18) which I will be saving for our next holiday in February!
Other great brands and products I spotted were Charles Worthington hair sets, French Connection bath sets for men and women (complete with lovely wash bags) and even some gorgeous Jamie Oliver cookery sets. There were huge Champneys boxes full of products too - basically I could have spent a small fortune filling my bathroom with gorgeous lovely-smelling goodies!

Have you checked out the Boots sale yet? Are reduced toiletries on your sale shopping itinerary? And if so what have you picked up so far?

Love Tor x

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

The January Sales are here! Simple tips for success....

Hi guys,
They're here! Christmas is over, and the part of the celebrations every girl who cares about fashion really gets excited about is upon us: the January sales. I don't really know why they call them the January sales, as technically they start at the end of December, but nonetheless, they're here!
I wrote a quick post of tips for January Sales shopping last year, and was simply going to link to that again for this January. But actually I realised I'd missed out on some great tips, and if you want to have sales success you have to be prepared. So I've written the list again! Here are my new and improved top tips to get what you want from the January sales:

1. Plan ahead! In the week before Christmas (leading up to the sales) when i'm shopping for my Christmas presents I'm also looking at the things I'd like to get for myself: If I see something I really like I even try it on, because believe me, trying things on just isn't feasible on the first days of the sale. That way I can run in, find it, and buy it as soon as the sale starts.

2. Set a budget. And then stick to it! I know it's easier said than done, but when you hit the sales it's easy to forget how much you're spending, and spend much more than you wanted to. When I'm going sales shopping I take out the amount I'm prepared to spend in cash before I hit the shops: that way, I know exactly what I'm spending as I go (it's so easy to lose track with cards) and when it's gone, it's gone!

3. Last year The Telegraph reported than one in ten people do their Christmas shopping in the January sales. Whilst I'm not condoning such bah humbug behaviour, I do do some of my present shopping for birthdays throughout the first half of the year (My nieces birthday is in January, and my sisters birthday is at the beginning of Febuary for example) in the January sales. It just makes good sense: you get more for your money, meaning people get better gifts!  Plan ahead for this like you would when shopping for Christmas: write a list of the people you're looking for presents for, a few ideas and all their vital statistics (sizes etc) to take with you to the shops.

4. Make a list of things you need, and more importantly, a list of things you DON'T need. I am a self confessed coat and jacket addict. I don't need any more: it would be a waste of money. But I really need new jeans. Having a piece of paper to shop with that spells out that I need jeans, knitwear, make up etc and I don't need jackets, coats or anything with sequins on it makes it much easier to stay motivated to only buy what I need.

5. Finally, don't give up! This is a tip I shared last year that's still just as relevant now. If you've got your heart set on something but it's sold out don't give up: just think outside the box. If you really wanted French Connection shoes but can't get them from French Connection, for example, try Sarenza or Zalando or any other website that sells big brand names. And for high street clothes, ASOS is a veritable gold mine of sale items that have sold out elsewhere: it's where I got that River Island dress I wanted last January that was sold out on their website!

Are you prepared for the January Sales? Do you have anything on your wish list that you're hoping to pick up? Or have you been too busy thinking about Christmas to prep for the bargain hunting afterwards?

Love Tor xx

Monday, 24 December 2012

The cutest Christmas message (guaranteed!)

Merry Christmas guys!
I hope you all have a wonderful time and that Santa is fashionably good to you. I will be spending my Christmas with my two favourite guys, and can't wait to help Wilbur open his very first Christmas present. Next stop: the January sales! My second favourite thing about Christmas.... prepare for a month of sales reviews and shopping tips!

Lots of love,
Tor (And Mike. And of course, Wilbur!) xx

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Christmas crafty Saturday: Almond snowflake biscuits

Hi guys,
I love getting crafty, and Christmas is the perfect time to exercise my love of all thing craft with a real purpose. So I thought that every Saturday during December I would share one of my seasonal crafts with you guys.

Well, Christmas is almost upon us (just three more sleeps to go!) So I thought that rather than give you guys another sewing project you won't have the time to complete, I would give you my favourite Christmas biscuit recipe. It's my favourite because they taste delicious and it's so so simple to make: even for a not especially proficient baker like me! (I'm not being modest: you can see how unproficient I am by how messy the icing is!)
250g softened butter
150g caster sugar
300g plain flour
3 tbspoons almond extract
250g icing sugar
Icing pens/embellishment for decoration

-These really are so simple to make that there are surprisingly few instructions! First pre-heat your oven to 180oC
-Using a large mixing bowl mix together the butter, caster sugar, and 2 tablespoons of almond oil
-Gradually add the flour until you have a large ball of pastry with a doughy consistency
-Roll out the biscuit pastry and cut out biscuit shapes with a cookie cutter (I used a simple round one)
- Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until the biscuits are starting to turn very lightly brown.
-Leave the biscuits to cool whilst making the icing: mix the icing sugar with the final tablespoon full of almond oil then add water until you have a thick paste consistency.
-Now it's time to decorate! Obviously you can decorate these however you want, but I like this easy to execute snowflake design: I just drew it on using an icing pen.

Mary Berry wouldn't be particularly impressed with my decorating skills, but this plateful of biscuits was so well received that it was munched down by my hubby in just one afternoon! Just three more sleeps to go until Christmas: I hope you all have a wonderful time!

Love Tor

Friday, 21 December 2012

The perfect seasonal shop window from Next

Hi guys,
In the latest in their series of festive themed competitions, Next are asking bloggers to create their perfect Christmassy shop window display. This time the competition is being hosted by the wonderful Jess over at Feeling Stylish.

I love shop window dressings (going to see the Selfridges Christmas windows is something of an annual tradition for me) so I couldn't resist throwing my hat into the ring and creating an entry. I've gone for a festive homespun-style window, complete with bunting, natural decorations, and cozy outfits perfect for snuggling up in under the Christmas tree. No constrictive party dresses and trousers that don't allow a second helping of turkey for me on Christmas day!!
Decorative robin, £10
Hand knit pattern cardigan, £75
Set of 2 bark Christmas trees, £12
Snowflake sequin sweater, £32
Fairisle pattern sweater, £20
Bell heart decorations, £10 for a set of three
Knitted slipper boots, £16
Button ballerina slippers, £10

The competition actually closes today (cutting it close to the wire I know!) but if you'd like to create your own entry, just head over to the Feeling Stylish blog for more info!

Are you ready for Christmas yet? And have you finished your Christmas shopping? We're all done here in the fabfrocks household, and already holed up at my mother in laws, ready to enjoy the festivities!

Love Tor x

Top tips for staying healthy this Christmas

Hi guys,

Deck the halls with boughs of holly: 'Tis the season to over-indulge! Yes, Christmas is here and with it comes not only the desire to dress up in sequins and party dresses but also the temptation to eat every chocolate that passes you by, and double portions of pudding after every meal. Admit it, I know it's not just me!!

But I have some baby weight to shift, so my overindulgence needs to be reined in this Christmas. Which is why I thought it was a brilliant idea when I saw that Bupa had released the Bupa advent calendar: a daily advent calendar for the month of December. But instead of tiny little chocolates inside, you'll find daily health tips on how to stay active, healthy, and stress-free, as part of the Bupa find healthy campaign.
Here are some of my favourites:
1. Have skimmed milk in your winter warming drink. This is a good one for me because the hubby makes the best hot chocolate I've ever tasted: and when he isn't at work over Christmas, I drink a mug a day! Using semi skimmed milk will cut the calories without affecting the taste.
2. Pick your puddings sensibly: choose just one dessert not several. This tip could have been written with me in mind: puddings are my weakness, and when I'm struggling to choose between trifle or a mince pie, I quite often will just decide to have both! This one will take some will power, but I'm prepared to give it a go!

There are loads more great tips included in the calendar which provide perfect motivation, so it's well worth checking out if, like me, you’re trying to rein in your greedy instincts this Christmas!

Do you try to find healthy at Christmas? Or do you forget all about diet and exercise and just overindulge to your heart’s content? And do you have any healthy tips to share for festive restraint? I'd love to hear your thoughts and tips!

Love Tor x

*This is a sponsored post 

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Sponsored video: You can still get your presents from Next in time for Christmas!

Hi guys,
As you can probably tell by all my posts about them this month, I have a bit of a soft spot for Next. Fashion-wise they are an unsung high street brand, as far as I'm concerned. And don't even get me started on their baby clothes: I'm obsessed! I'm also slightly in love with my leopard print Next coat, which I've worn constantly for the past month. Basically, I'm a secret Next addict!

But at this time of year they also come into their own as a great place to pick up Christmas presents. And to celebrate this they've produced a fab video with Wallace and Gromit creators (it wouldn't be Christmas without them!) Aardman Animations. Here it is:

Cute huh? What's not to love about shoes that look good and dance better than I do, all by themselves?! I love Aardman Animations, and they really are as much a part as Christmas as turkey, mince pies, and the Eastenders Christmas special!

So why should you do your Christmas shopping with Next? Well frankly, because you can! If you place an order on before 9pm you'll get next day delivery to ensure all your presents arrive before Christmas. (At no extra charge: just the standard £3.99 delivery cost) Be quick though! The last order date for Christmas delivery is Friday 21st December.

Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet? Or do you tend to leave everything to the last minute? And what do you prefer for your last minute Christmas shopping: surfing from your sofa or hitting the shops?

Love Tor

*This post is sponsored by Next

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

The shoes every girl needs part three: Flat boots

Hi guys,
Here's part three of my series of shoes you need to have a perfectly rounded shoe wardrobe! I believe that with just 6 carefully selected pairs of shoes, you can have a shoe for every possible occasion. Today is the turn of the shoe I am wearing on a daily basis at the moment: The comfortable flat boot.
Have I mentioned that I'm slightly in love with by H by Hudson Horrigan boots? I have? At least 100 times? Well that's because they are my perfect flat boots! Yours might look different: I have no intention of being a fashion dictator here! Your perfect flat boot could be a chelsea boot, a riding boot or even a cowboy boot. It really doesn't matter! All that matters is that they're waterproof, comfortable, and that you can walk for miles in them without your feet hurting. If you've got that then you've got the third pair of shoes in the list of shoes every girl needs, and the ones you'll probably be wearing most this winter!

Here are my picks of the best flat boots from the Sarenza website. I've chosen only ankle-height boots because they are my personal preference: I also think they're so versatile and they look good on everyone!
Ash studded boots, £240
Pin by Addict-Initial tan leather ankle boots, £87
Burgandy Mellow Yellow boots, £110
Mellow Yellow black and grey knit boots, £111
Ash brown moccasin boots, £140
Clarks lace up boots, £59.99

It's too late to ask if you have you're winter boots yet: I know you must have or you'd have frostbitten toes! So I want to know what your perfect winter boot is? And how many pairs of boots do you have for the winter?

Wondering what other shoes every girl needs in her wardrobe? Check out part one (black heels) here and part two (leather pumps) here.

Love Tor xx

PS - Don't forget to enter my Christmas giveaway: there is a great selection of little prizes to be won!! 

Monday, 17 December 2012

My picks of the best party shoes from Clarks

Hi guys,
Yesterday I went out and picked out my new party dress for the season from Matalan (outfit post to follow): much later than usual for me to be choosing my festive frock, but it was hard to try one on when I was sporting the mahusive bump! Dress chosen, now I need to find the perfect shoes. And I've been looking at the women's party shoes from Clarks.

It's been a couple of months since I properly wore heels, so I want to break myself back in gently and guarantee that the party heels I choose are going to be comfortable to walk and maybe even dance (if the mood takes me!) in. And that's a guarantee that comes with pretty-much every pair of shoes from Clarks, in my experience. In fact, my Clarks heeled brogues were the only pair of heels I wore at the end of my pregnancy whenever a fancy occasion called for them. So I headed straight over to the Clarks website to check out their more glitzy seasonal options. Here are my picks:
Nude court shoes with jewel details, £49.99
Snake skin court shoes, £54.99
Animal print shoes, £69.99
Vintage inspired sandals, £84.99
Gold leather court shoes, £89.99
Black leather and snake skin sandals, £69.99

They're all gorgeous shoes, but of course I have a favourite. I really love the black vintage-style sandals with their unusual shaped heel and bling detailing across the toes: they'd go with just about everything, they're versatile but eye catching at the same time. Definitely top of my list of options!

Have you picked out your party frock yet? And are you buying new shoes to go with it? I'd love to hear all about your Christmas outfit: let's share inspiration!

Love Tor xx

*This is a sponsored post 

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Christmas crafty Saturday: Make the gift wrap part of the present.

Hi guys,
I love getting crafty, and Christmas is the perfect time to exercise my love of all thing craft with a real purpose. So I thought that every Saturday during December I would share one of my seasonal crafts with you guys.

In case you haven't noticed over previous years, I'm going to let you into a little secret. I really really love Christmas. Like I'm obsessed with Christmas! I love decorating our house, buying special presents for everyone I love, I even like writing Christmas cards - I know! I'm crazy! But another one of the things I love (and something I've gotten from my mum) is wrapping my presents, so that they look amazing and leave people excited to open them.

Over the years I've decorated my presents with personalised keyrings, christmas tree ornaments, and candy canes. I've seen gorgeous presents that have been decorated with lollypops, cookie cutters, and even homemade jewellery. When you add something to the top of the present, however small, the wrapping becomes part of the gift.
This year I'm decorating my presents with candy cane mice: felt mice which I'm made by hand and added candy canes to make their tails. You can find the Martha Stewart tutorial on how to make the mice here: note that I stitched mine together rather than using fabric glue recommended by Martha (who knew she was so lazy?!) and they looked much better for it.
For the wrapping paper I've opted for plain metallics or red: I always think if you're going to embellish then the embellishment shows up so much better against the background of plain paper. I also experimented a little with polka dots for that Cath Kidston feel. Other unusual wrapping paper options are to use brown parcel paper and even newspaper: both guaranteed to make your presents stand out when they're underneath the tree!

How do you wrap your Christmas presents? Do you like to make the wrapping into something special, or do you prefer to spend more time on getting the right gift? I wonder if it's part of being a blogger than means I like literally everything I do (even giving a present) to be something that's aesthetically pleasing!

Love Tor xx

PS - Don't forget to enter my Christmas giveaway: there is a great selection of little prizes to be won!! 

Friday, 14 December 2012

Girl meets Dress. Dress meets Party. Everybody wins!

Hi guys,
Another day, another Christmas post: Sorry guys, I've just taken this theme and ran with it! Today we're talking about getting a knock out gorgeous dress that you definitely can't afford on a budget that you can.

Girl Meets Dress if a dress hire company where, for as little as £29, you can hire a frock for that special party or festive occasion: obviously the price of the dress depends on the one you want to hire, with the maximum hire cost being around £200 for a really extravagant ball gown.
I've written about Girl Meets Dress before, but they seem to have gone from strength to strength and gotten better and better since then: They now offer over 4,000 dresses from 150 different brands, so it would be almost impossible not find something you like! I can actually imagine this being the perfect place to find the perfect New Year's Eve party dress without breaking the bank (like I usually do every year!)
Even more excitingly (from my point of view) is that since the last time I visited the site, they have added a new category: Accessories hire! You can hire your dream bag for two nights, a week, or even a whole month! I think from my point of view this would be the most cost effective way of ensuring your outfits make an impact for the whole holiday season: just hire a fabulous Jimmy Choo or Halston clutch that will go with everything you plan on wearing, and show it off at every posisble occasion!

Have you thought about your New Year's Eve party outfit yet? And would you ever hire a dress for a big party, or would you prefer to spend your money on something with a lesser label that you can actually keep in your wardrobe forever? I have to admit, that's the one drawback of dress hire for me: having to give it back afterwards!

Love Tor x

PS - Don't forget to enter my Christmas giveaway: there is a great selection of little prizes to be won!! 

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Fabfrocks at Home: Stylized Christmas home envy!

Hi guys,
I'm a bit of an interiors obsessive: I love checking out other people's home decor, and am forever drooling over interiors blogs (I like to call it house porn!) And if there's one time it's especially nice to see what creative ideas people have for their homes it's Christmas. It's not just interior blogs jumping on this band wagons either: the big department stores are hopping all over it too!

I love checking out the photo shoots that the big department stores put out to promote their Christmas decorations and interior ranges. It used to be that preparing for Christmas meant putting up a Christmas tree. But now you can buy new Christmas throws and cushions, art work, kitchen utensils and even bedding. (Primark have some great Nordic reindeer-print bedding instore, and it's only £15) And I love it!

Here's some decorating inspiration gleamed from the stores you'll find on every highstreet:

Marks and Spencer
House of Fraser
How do you decorate your home for Christmas? Do you take interior inspiration from blogs and press images and go abit over the top (guilty as charged!) or do you think these things are going a bit too far?

I'll be showing you how we decorate our house for Christmas later in the month. But in the meantime, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Love Tor xx

PS - Don't forget to enter my Christmas giveaway: there is a great selection of little prizes to be won!! 

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

The best Christmas present ever: Meet my son!

Hi guys,
In the midst of all of my consumerist Christmas posts full of presents I want, decorations I need, and perfect Christmas ideas, I thought I'd share the best Christmas present I've ever received. Meet my son: Wilbur George, who was born last Friday (7th December) at 3.45am weighing in at 8 lb 4 oz.
Words cannot express how in love I am with this little man. He is the most perfect, handsome baby I have ever seen, and the best thing I have ever done. Officially my greatest achievement.

So yes. That's that. The latest addition to team Fabfrocks is here, and he's increased our cute quotient by at least 100%!

Love Tor xx

Monday, 10 December 2012

Real Wedding Planning: Save the Dates

We've been MIA lately, and for that we are truly sorry. Between school, work, Hurricane Sandy, holidays, and wedding planning, we're finding ourselves stretched thin! But here's an inside look into what we've been working on.

Once wedding planning is well underway, the bride and groom have to bring their guests into the loop with the almighty Save the Date. Saira and Henry are getting married in June, which used to mean that the Save the Date would be mailed out in January. However, in real life, couples send Save the Dates very far in advance, some even giving their guests one year notice. While we think sending a Save the Date that far in advance may be a little much, we do understand the urgency in getting it out as soon as possible. First, if you have guests traveling from afar, the sooner they know the better, as they need to work out their own logistics. Second, if you're a 20-something bride, it's very likely that your guests will end up having more than one commitment on your wedding day, so whoever sends their Saves the Dates out first, wins! 

 We started off with a picture of Henry and Saira that we wanted converted into a drawing. After more than a few efforts, we were able to come up with a decent shot of us both. A word of advice to future brides -- get a friend to photograph you, as self-portraits are a hassle!

The next step was commissioning a professional artist to make a portrait using the photograph. Unfortunately, this proved to be harder than we thought and after a few failed efforts, we took matters into our own hands. With the help from Toon Paint, a super cool iPhone app that converts photos into drawings, we were able to make a cartoonish, but realistic looking portrait.

 The next step involved the genius talent of Jen. After several attempts
with a graphic designer friend, we again decided to take matters into
our own hands. Lucky for us, Jen is a bit of a wunderkid when it comes to
graphic design, and she was able to design us a very simple, but
elegant, Save the Date. We then purchased cardstock, note cards and matching envelopes from Paper Source,
which is pretty much our dream store. Of course, we do realize that we could have saved some money buying paper online, which is something we will
consider when designing our invites.

 We thought once we had the designs made, the hard part was over. Alas, this was not the case! The first problem was printing as many of the design on a page as possible, in order to save paper. After some painstaking design work, we were able to evenly lay out the designs on the page and include subtle cutting lines for easy assembling. Then, as neither of us own a high quality printer, we took our order to Kinko's for some quick and dirty printing. Unfortunately, due to the thickness of the cardstock, our print-out did not come out as vibrant and clear as we hoped. Nonetheless, we were satisfied with our results and went on to the next step!

 Thanks to the carefully placed cutting guidelines on the print-outs, and our handy-dandy paper cutter, cutting the Save the Dates down to size was actually pretty easy! Sure there were some mistakes, but overall it was a quick and painless procedure.

 We then glued the cut out Save the Dates on the pre-cut Paper Source 4 Bar shimmer gold note cards (along with matching envelopes), to give it some depth, color, and glitter.

And voilà! We were able to create simple, yet creative, Save the Dates which cost us less than $200 altogether, which includes paper, envelopes, supplies, and printing.

Overall, this process taught us the importance of planning ahead and working independently. Of course, we realize that not everyone has the genius talents of Jen at their disposal, but you can still hire someone to do a design and then assemble the Save the Date on your own in order to save some dough. We definitely learned a lot from this experience, and are excited to begin working on our invitations! 


Jen & Saira

Create Christmas glamour with House of Fraser

Hi guys,
I don't know about you, but nothing fills me with more dread than the thought of a formal Christmas party. Especially one where you don't really know anyone well enough to ask them what they're wearing (I'm thinking of husband's/boyfriend's work Christmas parties in particular). You don't want to go too formal, and be the most overdressed person in the room. But you also don't want to just throw on a little black dress and be the most underdressed person in the room if everyone else is in floorlength gowns. Frankly, it's a sartorial minefield!!

So when I saw these images from House of Fraser I both immediately fell in love with them, and then sighed a sigh of relief. House of Fraser have gone for all-out glamour when it comes to their Christmas campaign. And if you have a formal Christmas party to go to, there's something for everyone:
It's like the heyday of the 1920s come to life again. I really like the opulence of it, and suddenly have an urge to head out and buy pearls! I particularly love the beaded dress in the top picture, and the floorlength dress in the second: it's knot detail at the waist means it will be especially flattering on not-so-perfect tummies: just what I'm looking for!

You'll find all of the House of Fraser dresses here.

How many Christmas parties do you have to go to this year? They sometimes feel never-ending, don't they! Have you decided what you're wearing yet? I'd love to know and steal some of your inspiration!!

Love Tor xx

PS - Don't forget to enter my Christmas giveaway: there is a great selection of little prizes to be won!! 

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Christmas crafty Saturday: How to make Christmas stockings

Hi guys,
I love getting crafty, and Christmas is the perfect time to exercise my love of all thing craft with a real purpose. So I thought that every Saturday during December I would share one of my seasonal crafts with you guys.

I like to create my own little presents for people, as well as decorations for the house: this year, for the first time, I tried my hand at making a Christmas stocking. It turned out so well that I'm going to show you how I made it so that, if you're feeling so inclined, you can try your hand at making your own:
I kept this really simple and used just two different cotton fabrics, cut out a felt letter, and then ribbons and buttons for the trim. But obviously the only limit to what you can make is your imagination: use velvet, add flowers, diamante, write your name on it with fabric paint. It really is up to you!

You will need:
2 sheets A4 paper to cut the pattern
1/2 meter patterned fabric
1/2 meter plain coloured fabric
Coordinating cotton
Embellishments (I used felt, ribbon, and buttons)
1. Cut out a stocking template pattern onto your sheets of A4 paper: this will be the template you use to cut your fabric. I drew and redrew mine by hand until I had the shape I wanted.
2. Cut the template 4 times; twice on each of your fabrics. Remember to turn the template around when doing the back panel of the patterned fabric, so the pattern will still show when the stocking is assembled.
3. Place the fabric with the patttern to the inside and the lining to the outside and then stitch the four pieces of fabric together: I used a simple running stitch. If you want to create this even quicker, you could use a sewing machine. Turn inside out and voila: you have your very own simple-to-sew Christmas stocking!
4. Embellish away to your hearts content! And don't forget that if you want to hang your stocking you'll need to add a ribbon loop to the corner.
PhotobucketObviously this one is entirely for my own satisfaction, as the baby will be far too young to appreciate Christmas or stockings. But he'll only get one first Christmas, and I intend to suck as much joy and fun out of it as possible!

So what do you think? Do you think you'll have a go at making your own? If you do, I would LOVE to see how it turns out; email me a picture!

Love Tor x

PS - Don't forget to enter my Christmas giveaway: there is a great selection of little prizes to be won!! 

Friday, 7 December 2012

Christmas gift ideas from TK Maxx

Hi guys,
I've just made my annual Christmas trip to TK Maxx, and I just had to share what bargainous bargains I picked up whilst I was there! I always make a trip to TK Maxx at Christmas, because they have a great gift range. It's also the perfect place to pick up little designer bits (perfect for Christmas stockings) at massively reduced prices. If you think I might be buying you a gift this Christmas, it's probably best you turn away now! For everyone else, here's what I picked up:

Edible gifts 
Is there anything nicer than being gifted something yummy? Maybe that's just a sign that I'm greedy, but I do love an edible gift: and they're perfect for secret santas, aunts and uncles, and even the next door neighbour! This selection that I picked up ranged in price from £3.99 for the Christmas tree tin full of chocolates to £12.99 for the ceramic biscuit jar filled with ginger bread men! The best thing about these ones from TK Maxx is that the tins are so lovely, they can be saved and used again!

Stocking filler socks
Call me predictable (I am!) but every man in my life gets socks in their stocking at Christmas. I think they're a great, useful stocking stuffer! TK Maxx have some really great boxes of socks instore at the moment, from brands such as Calvin Klein, Original Penguin, French Connection, Ted Baker etc and all the ones I saw were £9.99 per box: considerably less than RRP!!

The ubiquitous Christmas jumpers
Another predictable one I'm afraid, but jumpers do make great gifts! As always, TK Maxx have a great selection of great labels instore, but at high street (and sometimes less than high street) prices. I managed to pick up 2 lovely knitted jumpers, one from Original Penguin and one from Superdry. Both were £24.99 each.

Make up, perfume, and smellies
I didn't actually buy any (I just didn't need them) but I was massively impressed by the range of make up, smellies, and perfume in store. There were Nails Inc gift sets for £12.99, and Calvin Klein make up sets for £9.99. There were also lovely boxed and hampered bath sets, perfumes, and an unlimited range of make up bags and wash bags: it was like girly gift heaven!!

Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? And have you had any bargains from TK Maxx lately? I'm delighted that I managed to combine both: and proud of myself for spending over an hour in my local store looking at pretty things without actually buying a single thing for myself! Here's hoping that means extra brownie points from Santa....

Love Tor x

PS - Don't forget to enter my Christmas giveaway: there is a great selection of little prizes to be won!! 

Thursday, 6 December 2012

My Christmas wishlist from

Hi guys,
I am completely in love with Its my go-to website when I'm looking for a present, or something quirky and unusual for myself. It brings together all of those boutique independent brands I love in one convenient, easy-to-search place.

So when I started thinking about a Christmas wishlist for myself, I knew it would be my first stop! Here's what I will be hoping to find in my stocking when the big day arrives. And because I wanted to look at stocking filler prices, everything I've picked costs less than £25:
Rob Ryan initial tote bags for Alphabet Bags, £16, Clicky link
Four teatime cupcakes in jars, G Desserts, £14.40, Clicky link 
Wish I was there make up purse, Rosie's Armoire, £24, Clicky link
Sandcastle bowls - blue, yellow, or white, Caroline McGrath, £25, Clicky link
Personalised leather hoops bracelets, Soremi, £22, Clicky link

Have you started thinking about what you want in your Christmas stocking yet? And the scarier question, have you started your shopping? I've done some of mine but the panic is no doubt going to start shortly: there's not long to go!

Love Tor xx

PS - Don't forget to enter my Christmas giveaway: there is a great selection of little prizes to be won!! 

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Five gold rings for the fifth day of Christmas....*

Hi guys,
"On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me.....fiiiive goooold riiiiings" (Elongated vowels essential). Yes, more Christmas themed fun but this time relating to a matter close to my heart: costume jewellery, specifically statement rings.

I've written before that I am a costume jewellery addict. I've also mentioned that because of increasing frustration with constantly green fingers, I no longer buy cheap-cheap costume rings from stores that used to be my old faithfuls, such as Topshop or Accessorize. That doesn't mean I can afford thousands of pounds worth of real jewellery though (oh how I wish I could!) Instead I settle for a middle ground: gold or silver plating, semi precious stones, and prices around the £100 mark.

Here are the five gold rings I'd pick for myself this Christmas:
Gold plated crystal snake and enamel ring, Kenneth Jay Lane, £110 
Yves Saint Laurent Arty gold plated glass ring, £180 (clicky link to buy)
Wendy Brandes sterling silver @ sign ring, $115 (clicky link to buy
Isharya 18 karat gold plated ring, £75 (clicky link to buy)
Alexander McQueen swarovski crystal double skull ring, £125 

I find that I try to buy more and more quality items, rather than quantity. I certainly think alot more about my purchases before I make them, and the place I see this most is with my jewellery and other accessories. Ultimately I would like a wardrobe full of good quality staple and statement pieces, and to never see the Primark label in my wardrobe again. Well, a girl can dream.....

Have you noticed any changes in your wardrobe over the past year? Are you trying to focus on improving one specific aspect of it, for example, and if so which one? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Love Tor xx

*NB - Two of the rings are actually silver, but it just didn't work as well with the song!! 

PS - Don't forget to enter my Christmas giveaway: there is a great selection of little prizes to be won!! 

Monday, 3 December 2012

Till Death Do Us Part Is For Quitters

Our good friends recently celebrated their one-year wedding anniversary (yay!) This post is inspired by the wedding card Saira gave them (which is now hanging on their wall) which reads "'Til death do us part' is for quitters". Normally, we wouldn't equate skeletons with romance -- but the sentiment was just so romantic that we felt inspired! Plus, pink peonies and butterflies are certainly not for everyone, and your wedding day should really express your personal style. So if you are a bride who walks on the dark side, enjoys "goth" style, is an osteologist, or is in it for the long run, then a skull and bones wedding is just for you! Believe it or not, a skull and bones wedding can be pretty classy -- think a black and white ball, with some edge! You don't have to go overboard with this style, but throw in a few skeletal details and you'll have yourself a fun and interesting wedding theme that will keep your guests talking. 


Jen & Saira

Shop: Celebrate Vogue's Online Fashion Week with big discounts!

Hi guys,
Vogue's Online Fashion Week started today, and runs until Friday 7th December. Loads of big brands are getting involved in the event and offering big discounts just perfect for either Christmas shopping or (even better) picking out that perfect Christmas party dress. Here are some of the great deals available this week:
- Baukjen are offering 50% off the top two LBD’s on their site: The Sleeveless Drape Dress and The Asymmetric Neck Dress perfect for the party season. They're also offering 25% off the category ‘Vogue Online Fashion Week’ on their website and Free Delivery with the code VOGUE25. You can take advantage of these fantastic offers by visiting and entering the code VOGUE25 at the checkout.

- Henry Holland are offering 15% off their winter wardobe essentials: think cozy scarfs and chunky knits (view the collection here.) To take advantage of this offer just enter the code VOGUEOFW in at the checkout. The deal is running all the way through until Friday.

-  This is a deal you'll have to act fast on if you want to take advantage of it, as it isn't running all week. But Jigsaw is offering 10 per cent off all online orders until midnight tonight as part of Online Fashion Week by entering VOGUEOFW at the checkout when you pay. Every shopper will also be automatically entered into a prize draw to win a cashmere scarf.

- Finally, that online favourite ASOS is offering 20 per cent off their ASOS Collection range by entering the code PARTY20 at check out. This is my favourite offer of all of the ones I've found so far (I really like the ASOS Collection stuff) and again, this deal runs until Friday, giving you plenty of time to pick the pieces you want.

I'm sure loads of other great deals will also pop us as the week progresses: I'll be tweeting all of the best ones, so make sure you're following me on twitter to keep up to date with all the Online Fashion Week bargains.

Love Tor xx

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Fabfrocks at Home: All decorated for Christmas!

Hi guys,
I love Christmas. Actually that's an understatement: I LOVE Christmas! So as soon as December 1st rolls around, I want my house decorated immediately. Because of course, why not maximise the amount of time you can spend looking at glittery decorations and twinkly lights, right? True to form, yesterday we built our grotto whilst listening to our specially crafted Christmas playlist. Here's how it looks:
-Nothing on my tree matches! It's a mish-mash of colours and styles: but that's because each bauble is special. My mum started it, buying my sisters and I special Christmas baubles to remember every year starting from when we were born. And now Mike and I pick up ornaments on our travels together: we have one to remind us of our wedding day, our honeymoon, even one that says "Our first Christmas together". I think it's a great tradition and makes putting up the tree even more special.

- I love poinsettias: they're so festive, and cheap too! This one cost me just £2.50 from Asda. It has pride of place in our fireplace, and the great thing is (if I remember to water it!) it will last for the whole of December!

- We picked up the nutcracker in Berlin last December. The 70s-style angel was a gift from my mum: something she and my dad have had since they got married. And it just wouldn't be Christmas without a plate full of candy canes to nibble on every time you walk past it!

-Our non-traditional Christmas wreath. I saw one just like this in a fancy design shop, but it was soo expensive. Luckily, my mum is a craft monster and a genius with a glue gun: she managed to replicate it completely for me. I think it looks amazing!

- This is our first year of having a proper fireplace for Christmas, and I love it! Our stockings are all hung up and ready in anticipation. Mike and I have Mickey and Minnie ones, brought in Florida. The baby has his own which I made myself: tutorial on how to make one to follow next weekend!

- Finally the focal point of any home at Christmas: the dining table. My centrepiece is an advent ring. The sweet cones are from Ikea: it's hard to fill them fast enough when Mike is around! We also have a full Christmas dinner service: you really can't avoid the fact that it's December in this house!

Have you put your Christmas tree up yet? How do you like to decorate for Christmas?

Love Tor x

PS - Don't forget to enter my Christmas giveaway: there is a great selection of little prizes to be won!!