Wednesday, 31 December 2008
You're a tiger, baby!
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Once more into the breach, my friends...

Thursday, 18 December 2008
Meat and Fashion?

Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Leaving no stone left unturned.....

Genius. Pure genius.
Owl tshirt, Otswald Helgason, 177 euros.
Wow dress by JoJo and Malou, 94 Euros

Dodecahedron necklace, Fred Butler, 383 Euros (First I saw Fred on Channel 4 making pin wheels, then I saw Susie Bubble wearing her necklace and fell in love. Oh how I covert one of my very own!)
These are my five favourite things, but there's so much more! And the real "genius" of the project (who am I to miss such an obvious pun?) is that the site enables young and new designers to sell there stuff at no risk, as well as giving users the opportunity to support them; you can buy shares in their next collection, and the site encourages you to spread the word about the designers you like (which I realise is exactly what i'm doing now!)
I still haven't found that T shirt dress of my dreams, but do you know, just for a moment, I think i've stopped caring.
Lots of love,
Tor x
Make do...Festive style!
1. Wrap your presents in newspaper. This was something I first experiemented with when I was at uni. £1 a roll might not seem like much now, but back then.....
Have no fear, i'm not talking about tearing a page out of the london lite and throwing it over a gift! Pick a page from a newspaper or magazine with a really amazing image. A dress by their favourite designer, an advert from their favourite shop, even a funny article you read which made you think of them. Draw or write on top of the image, drawing attention to why you chose it, for an extra personal touch.

Monday, 15 December 2008
Getting my Deacon!

And i'm not the only one to covert that bag! The bag lady describes it thus; "The shape and size is functional and convenient yet fashionably on-trend while the studded embellishments add that extra 'zing'."
And who am I to deny anyone a little zing?
So maybe the gold range isn't as bad as I had first thought. But i'm still reluctant to give it my much sought after (ha!) seal of approval. It's just hard for me to relate the man who made these:

With the man who made these:

I'm too shocked to write any more...
Tor x
Looking the dogs dinner...
Street Eeek!

Friday, 12 December 2008
Shoes I can never wear.....

Thursday, 11 December 2008
The pixelated rose: coming to a wardrobe near you?

"Matthew has such a good eye and a way for working with prints that he mixes up in a new way," said Margareta van den Bosch, creative advisor at H&M. "When he combines these things, you get a very contemporary London look."
Influential? Moi?
Today, however, I decided to take this self obsession a step further. I googled the blog. And my was i suprised to find so much stuff! First I found the blog (phew!) the lots of other lovely people who link to the blog. I found the fabfrocks facebook group I set up many moons ago, and then I found something suprising! I found this. This, for those of you who don't want to click through (and who can blame you!) is a list of the 100 most influential blogspot blogs in the world. And there, smiling back from the grand old #72 spot, are fabfrocks!
Of course this is good news. But the phrasiology troubles me. Influential: describes someone or something that has the power to affect the making of decisions and the course of events. There's only one thing to say about that really: Ha! I dont even have to power to influence my hair through a brush without wincing in the mornings. Do I have any fashion influence? None, I work for an engineering charity and I would say that around 10% of the posts on this blog depict me in a changing room wearing something that doesnt fit or shouldnt be worn out even if it did. I have no insider knowledge. Half the time I don't even know who the minor celebrities gracing the pages of Hello! are....I just write about what I like and my random thoughts and hope that between my brain and the page coherency somehow happens.
So i'm not really sure how this blog is influential really. But the whole idea leaves me worried.
I really hope there isnt a collection of girls across the country walking around with their skirts riding up their thighs and their zippers gaping open. I assure you all, this was never supposed to be a fashion statement. It's just that sometimes these stores make their clothes too damn small......
Lots of love, Tor
I demand some answers!!!

From Dressed and Pressed: What's your favourite colour?

It's a good job i'm not a meglomaniac FashionJunkie, because you're supposed to be asking questions about me!!
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Animal Magic!

Snake: limbless scaly elongate reptile; some are venomous.

Tiger: large feline of forests in most of Asia having a tawny coat with black stripes; endangered You have no i-deer (ha!) how much I love these mittens!
Deer: distinguished from Bovidae by the male's having solid deciduous antlers

the symbol of the Republican Party; introduced in cartoons by Thomas Nast in 1874
Love and purrs,
Tor x
Monday, 8 December 2008
you know you want to know......
Never one to miss a trend, the disaster I had with the star print thing surely still being evidence and fresh on everyones minds, I thought this would be a fun thing to do!
So to start this thing off I'll answer 3 questions that I get asked all the time, and then if you leave me questions in the comments box or drop me an email, I promise i'll answer all of them (as long as they aren't perverse or grossly innapropriate, of course!!)
So, big inhalation, and here goes:
1. So, is this blogging malarky a fulltime thing or do you have a proper job as well?
I put this one first because its the kind of question I get asked by parents, friends parents, friends, and almost everybody all the time!
Firstly if this was a fulltime thing, the posts would be more frequent! No, the blog is just a hobby (and love!) but I do have a "proper job" as well. I work as a senior web editor for an engineering charity: not fashiony at all then, but when you finish uni for the second time with double the debt, you have to do something! One day I would love to make fashion writing of some kind a fulltime career move (me and every second girl in the country, I know!) but for now i'm happy writing my little blog.
2. Who is your favourite designer?
I think this is a stupidly hard question because I change my mind so much! Also, i'm not really ever obsessed with one designer for very long, more because I like different trends and so I like different pieces from lots of collections. I love Betsey Johnson (as I know I write all the time and it must get boring) but I find everything she does really young and fresh and quirky; all her collections have a Japanese "fruits" style which was what really started my obsession with fashion in the first place, and whenever I buy something of hers I feel like a happier more grown up version of the teenage me. I also love Vivienne Westwood; the way she cuts and drapes is amazing and her clothes fit to boobs and hips and curves beautifully. Oh, and does Primark count as a designer? (JOKE...or is it....!)
3. If you had to leave the house naked except for one thing, what would it be?
Have you ever heard the phrase "all fur coat and no knickers"? (or is that just something my nan says?) Well anyway, that would be me! I love fur (faux of course!) and hate showing any of my flesh (even when I go on a night out, it's a thing) so the floor length fur jacket would cover everything. And of course, make me look like a movie star!!!
I look forward to answering your questions (which most of the time I find more interesting than the answers!) I hope you can come up with something better than I did!
Lots of love,
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
boys, boys, boys.....
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Dear Santa....

Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Eeeny, meeeny, miiiny, mo.....
Friday, 21 November 2008
A change is better than a rest!
If i'm allowed to be greedy (and why not, when you're feeling a bit down and making lists of fictional things you really want for your fictional home) I would also have this rob ryan screenprint:

I don't believe in minimalism. I think a home should be cluttered with trinkets and things you can forget about and then get excited when you accidentally stumble across them: my attitude to my home is the same as my attitude to my wardrobe I guess!
So here are the new trinkets I will be adding to my already vast collection:

And finally, the thing i'm most excited about. I had this idea once that I wanted a footstool. An old-fashioned footstool which I could restore and make my own. I wanted to strip the wood and paint it turquoise and then replace the fabric with robot print fabric. I don't know why; I just conjured this impractical idea up on the tube one day and now I plan on turning into reality. After literally hours of scouring for it, here is the robot print fabric:

Sorry for the trip into home decorating guys: Back with more fashion and frivolity and less interior nightmares tomorrow, I promise!