Thursday, 29 January 2009
When I grow up....
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Don't worry, it will be all white!

The dresses over the white trousers is the only touch i'm a little unsure about, but the headpieces are truly truly stunning. Half of me thought the collection was a little bit safe, targeted more at my mum than me, but all of me found something inspirational that I will apply to my look for SS09 (obviously not the white trousers on my thighs, but something) and isn't that what the catwalk shows are for?
Oh yeah, and netting the designers some moolah, but that doesn't really affect me!
Lots of love,
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Speccy Four Eyes!

Monday, 26 January 2009
Dans mon sac il y a…
Anyway, this post is my grown up equilivent of that favourite school game. They say you can tell alot about a person from the contents of their handbag. Well, for those of you who really wanted an insight into mine, i'm sure your going to be disappointed. But lets see, shall we!
Despite its massive sack like nature, here is a list of everything nestled comfortably inside my handbag, sweet papers and all!
Dans mon sac il y a...... My oversized patchwork purse, Make up bag, Compact Mirror, Sunglasses, LG Renoir phone (my new blog photo phone of dreams!),Sunglasses, Little miss vintage note book, Tissues with shoes on, a thank you card for my sister, a black vest, half a packet of throat sweets, Red gloves, year planner, Inhaler, Stamps, A necklace, some loose change, Receipts, The contract for our new house, 3 pens, oyster card, used train tickets, 2 nail varnishes, and a leaflet welcoming me to the Ikea family.
Or in Pictorial terms:
The insights I think you can get from this are that I carry too much stuff, I never have time to put my make up on in the morning so I do it when I get to work and i'm an untidy slob, hence the receipts and used tickets stuffed in every corner. What weird things lurk at the bottom of your handbag?
I tag the lovely style child, make do style, and dressed and pressed (three of my favourite little blogs!) to tell us all what's hidden in theres!
Lots of love,
Feathers from the Future!!

Now I don't know enough about fashion to say this with any amount of certainty, but I'm pretty sure Manjit Deu is a name we should all be looking out for in the future...Ahh, to be so talented!!
Friday, 23 January 2009
It's just the way it works...
Over the past couple of weeks I have been thinking more and more about my career (or lack thereof). I suppose it's because the bf and I are moving in together, and no longer living in student houses or flat shares is making me feel very much like a grown up.
I like my job. The people are great, I get to write and it's hardly taxing. But i've never hidden the fact that although its what I keep falling into, online corporate writing about, if i'm honest, things I know nothing about, is definitely not what I want to spend the rest of my life doing.
For as far back as I can remember i've wanted to be a journalist when I grew up (this of course depends on my ever growing up); at first I wanted to do hard hitting front line correspondence - a modern day Kate Adie, but for the past 5-6 years, i've known that what I really want to write about is fashion. And not just because I love clothes, but because proper fashion is so fast paced and innovative and exciting. WHo can see Hussein Chalayan's crazy interdisciplinary dresses, and not realise that fashion is about so much more than what looks pretty.
What i'm moaning about here then isn't the fashion industry. From my squinty view way over here outside the circle of power, I love it, despite all it's flaws which I love reading on the bloggosphere everyday. What i'm moaning about is how I find a tiny little hole in. See, I think i've done everything right; work on the student paper? Check. Take fashion related units at uni? Check. I've worked for OSOYOU and styleshake writing their blogs (short term contracts), I'm a member of the NUJ, and I love love love fashion!
But apparently, this isn't enough to get me an interview anywhere even vaguely fashion related. Unless I want to take 6 months out and work for no salary whatsoever (which in my case would mean eating gruel and living in a box to be affordable; definitely not an option!) then the answer is thank you, but no cigar!
I'd love to meet an ordinary girl like me who can afford to have no income for 6 months; how to people do it? Surely this can't be the only way in, or only girls called Miffy and Bunty would ever make it! I've been told a million times "that if you want to get into the industry you need grit, persistence, and determination". All those things I have. But £10 grand in the bank or better still, the capacity for starvation and homelessness? Well, the lines got to be drawn somewhere!
So what can I do? Well, keep knocking on those doors with my fingers crossed I suppose. I'm forsaking my summer holiday this year and spending my time off on a work experience placement instead. I've signed up to start a fashion course at night school in March (although mostly if i'm honest this is more for fun than career purposes)
And I guess I can stop feeling sorry for myself! Stop writing this little rant and toughen up. Oh, and try to block out the sound of all those doors slamming shut before they've even opened.
Lots of Love,
Tor (Who promises to be in a much more optimistic mood tomorrow!)
Put the boot in....

Thursday, 22 January 2009
What a Stud Muffin!

Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Going GaGa

Monday, 19 January 2009
We tweet!

So I figured, it was time for fabfrocks to get involved.
So if you just can't get enough of the blog and wish there was more (there has to be more people than just me who wish there was more!) you can read my tiny little tweets which will be updated more regularly than this here blog by going here: where I believe you can follow me, in a bloggy stylee.
I have also added what I believe is called a widget to the side bar of the blog over here somewhere, so that if you don;t want to follow me, you can still read what's going on in my exciting life. ------->
I just hope I get the hang of this!
Love Tor xx
Here comes the sun....

Thursday, 15 January 2009
Aye chihuahua!
It is a hard cased leather purse by 'Fluff' and on the vibrant baby pink front, a cartoon chihuahua, complete with bang on trend studded collar. On the back pink hearts sit nestled in shiny shiny gold.
It's everything a teenage girl or Paris Hilton could dream of, and probably not what a 20 year old "young professional" should be storing her debt cards in. But I think it's wonderful, and every time I look at it, it makes me happy. The fossil purse my parents gifted me in Florida is still in amazing condition, and I still love carrying it, but there's a bit part of me just waiting for the leather to die enough that I can put it in the drawer and start bringing a smile to people's faces with my money protecting puppy.
Apparently Los Angeles artist Claudette Barjoud is the brains behind the Fluff designs (And never has a name for a company been more apt for its products!) but I can't find an online store to explore more of the cartoony kitsch goodness. However, if the puppies are floating your boat the whole set is available to buy on ebay:

And for a buy it now price of $68, I think its a bargain. After all, what price for leather induced happiness?
Love and puppy licks,
Tor xx
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Boots boots boots boots boots!!
This whole post feels a little salesy, but its soo exciting! I brought as much as i could carry back into the office respectably after a slightly longer than regulation lunch hour, but tomorrow I'll be back for more. When do I get the chance to own so much stuff that I want but don't need, and therefore usually relagate to the realms of "stuff I cant afford?"The answer is never! But boy, am I going to make up for it now....